Official EC launch event of the Essentiality Study


Eindhoven, 20 November 2020.

We are truly excited to finally announce the publication of our report on Essentiality Assessment of Standard Essential Patents! The report encompasses almost two years of hard work by our consortium, consisting of TU/e and TUM, among others. To our knowledge, it is the first, and currently only, report in which essentiality assessment of SEPs has been experimentally tested at a large scale.

The study was commissioned by the EC (DG GROW) and is unique for its unprecedented level of collaboration with patent offices, SEP owners, and professionals in the field. We are most grateful to everyone involved in making this happen.

We invite you to join the official launch event organized by EC on December 2nd, 2020, starting 14:30, where we will present the study and its outcomes in detail. The event will also feature various talks of top officials of the European Commission, as well as a round-table panel discussion and Q&A. Be sure to register for the event, as there is limited capacity and high interest.

    Public invitation by European Commission

    Direct to registration link:

Hope to see many of you there!

With warm regards of all the consortium members,

Rudi Bekkers, Joachim Henkel, Elena Mas Tur, Tommy van der Vorst, Menno Driesse, Byeongwoo Kang, Arianna Martinelli, Wim Maas, Bram Nijhof, Emilio Raiteri, Lisa Teubner, Peter Smulders, Bart Smolders, Teun van Berkel, Hans Dohmen, Sungtae Kim, Karl Tasnad Kernetzky, and Benedikt Leible